Hi there, I'm Jesse Proulx.

My mission is to fuse new technologies with current web standards & practices to create compelling online experiences. I have over a decade of experience working with high profile sites, and I'm eager to get started on your next fantastic idea.

Sites you can find me on:

Need to get a hold of me?

photo of Jesse Proulx
San Francisco, CA, 94132 USA
+1 (510) 400-7928

Previous companies I've worked for:

Six Apart, LTD
One of the original social networking sites, and a heavy influence on the early versions of Facebook and Twitter.
Dogster & Catster
A smaller social networking and editorial site for pet lovers.
A freemium VOIP company that used local phone numbers to bridge long distance calls.
A fun penny auction site that didn't cheat you out of any money.
A casual social game for real-time sporting events.
Fox Sports Digital
One of the largest sports networks in the world, home of the Super Bowl
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